Many people are very busy at this time of the year, working long hours as their companies y
ear end is around the corner, shopping for gifts, thinking about the holiday menu, cleaning and organizing the entire home to make space for family and friends… and wondering what to do and how to decorate your home to make it look nicer and a little different from last year without spending too much. So we wanted to give you a hand and created this short ideas list to make it easier for you:
1. Think about all the décor you have, and only select a couple of your favourites with similar style & colours.

2. Considering the items you selected on step 1, now you can determine your colour scheme; remember the 60-30-10 colour rule (Decorate 60% of the room with the dominant color, 30% of the room with the secondary color and the remaining 10% of the space use colour as an accent)

3. Review all the pictures I attached, so you can get new ideas of what you can create. Go through your things and bring similar items like plants, greeneries, vases, ribbons, ornaments, decor cushions, throws, rugs to one area. Having everything in one place will help you get inspired & ready to create your own decor.

4.Once you select which items to use, then it will be easier to make a list of things you will need to buy. You can find amazing stuff at great prices or on sale at Kitchen Stuff Plus (Outlet), HomeSense, Michaels (get a 40% coupon online) and even at the dollar stores.

5.You can try the following:
Using plants & greeneries to complement other décor items
Mixing different textured décor cushions and adding decorative stuffed animals to make it fun for the kids
Adding tree ornaments, colourful candies/gummies, pine cones, greeneries and candles in different shapes glass vases or containers
Using string led lights in candleholders, wreaths and vases
Hope we were able to help and best wishes decorating your home ☺.